Grenzacherstraße 124
4070 Basel
Participant's Lead
Dr Marcus Dröge
Phone +49 (8856) 603 848Contact
Company Presentation
Roche is a vendor offering innovative technologies for genomics as well as cellomics. This includes next generation sequencing, real time PCR or real time cell analysis. Regarding next generation sequencing Roche is known as innovation leader, having introduced the first next generation sequencing technology (454 technology). Compared to all other available next generation technologies, this technology provides 4-5 times longer read length, consequently resulting in a higher detection rate for insertions and mutations or considerably better results regarding the detection of alternative splice variants or fusion genes in cancer cells. Due to the longer read length less read coverage is needed to ensure high accurate and fast data analysis & result generation compared to short read systems. Therefore the amount of data generated by the 454 technology is much lower (GB‘s vs. TB‘s per run) simplifiying general data storage & handling significantly. Dr. Marcus Droege (coordinator WP1) is working in the field of genome sequencing and bioinformatics for the past 10 years and has already participated in several major genome sequencing projects such as the rat genome sequencing project.