Medical University Graz
Medical University of Graz
Universitätsplatz 3
8010 Graz
Participant's Lead
Ass Prof PD DDr Johannes Haybäck
Phone +43 (316) 385-80594
Fax +43 (316) 384 329Contact
Project Staff Elisabeth Smolle
Eva Lederer
Biomedical research assistant
Phone +43 (316) 380 7641
Fax +43 (316) 384 329 Contact
Christina Ernst
M.Sc. student
Phone +43 (316) 380 7641
Fax +43 (316) 384 329 Contact
Tabea Hohensee
M.Sc. student
Phone +43 (316) 380 4403
Fax +43 (316) 384 329 Contact
Caroline Schweiger
Mag. rer. nat.
Phone +43 (316) 380 4403
Fax +43 (316) 384 329 Contact
Nicole Golob
Phone +43 (316) 380 4403
Fax +43 (316) 384 329
Institute Presentation
At the Medical University Graz (MUG) the largest European biobank is hosted. Moreover, the members of the consortium at the Institute of Pathology, MUG have full access to very large series of patient tissue samples from all cancer types that will be investigated in this project, in particular of Colon cancer samples. This Austrian partner can investigate not only small biopsies from living patients but also tissue specimens from autopsies. Detailed characterization of the used samples is the basis for a successful project. Therefore, data on carefully histologically and immunohistochemically analysed specimens will be provided. Blood samples will also be collected by our staff members, generating the resources for the search for circulating tumour cells and circulating tumour DNA. Professional registration systems containing anonymous and well structured as well as validated information on blood and tissue samples will be provided by our team. We are also experienced in generation of xenografts.