Stockholm University
Stockholm University
Universitetsvej 10
SE-106 91 Stockholm
Participant's Lead
Prof Mats Nilsson
Phone: +46 (0) 762 756 161Contact
Project Staff
Elin Lundin
PhD Student
Thomas Hauling
Post doc
Institute Presentation
Stockholms universitet, located in Sweden's capital city, is the region’s centre for higher education and research in science, the humanities, the social sciences and law, and a focus for the work of leading international researchers.The Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics is mainly located with the other Departments of Chemistry and Life Sciences in the Arrhenius Laboratories for Natural Sciences, Presently around 170 people are working at the Department of which about 90 are PhD students engaged in internationally highly recognized research covering a broad range of subjects. Three centers are linked to the Department: Stockholm Center for Biomembrane Research, Stockholm Bioinformatics Centre and Science for Life Laboratory.
Science for Life Laboratory (SciLifeLab) is a joint venture between four universities; Karolinska Institutet, the Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholms universitet and Uppsala University. The medical research focuses on investigating the molecular basis of complex human diseases, and seeks to find biomarkers that can help diagnose diseases and monitor their progress. The PI Professor Mats Nilsson and his research group are affiliated with both the Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics and with SciLifeLab.The Molecular Diagnostic group, headed by Professor Mats Nilsson develops PLP and selector probe assays and ASMD. Professor Nilsson is an experienced developer of molecular genetics techniques with strong experience in large scale collaborative projects. Nilsson and coworkers have co-founded five biotech companies, including ParAllele, acquired by Affymetrix in 2005, Olink and Q-linea.